Mrs. Jackson [Because] You're Nasty

You would think that with a titty finish, the show would be good. Oh no, it sucked ass once again. Good Job producing MTV, maybe if you worked on producing and distributing music, you could get the halftime show right. Then there was lazy ass Puff Daddy/Cream Puffy/P.Diddy/Sean Combs/Puff n’ Stuff. You lip-synced your whole set. Why? I can see Janet Jackson doing it, because she had a lot of dance choreography, but you didn’t even walk while on the stage. You rode a fucking conveyer belt like this is a fucking airport. Didn’t you just run a fucking marathon for charity? When you stop rapping I don’t think too many people “Will Be Missing You.” I can’t believe that the best part of the show was Kid Rock. He appeared to be the only one actually singing. Though I don’t know what was up with his fur coat/American flag vest. The Queer Eye for the Straight Guys guys would have a field day with that. Yeah I watch Queer Eye, grow up. They have good tips. Honestly. Simons isn’t going to take this. I’m out.

Did anyone else see Janet Jackson’s tit (singular) during the Super Bowl halftime show? Is this what our halftime shows have come to? I mean I enjoy a good breast as much the next man, but it seemed a bit out of place. Janet just finished talking about fighting against prejudice and domestic violence. Then she was all “no to bras”.

I don’t know about you, but I was frightened and confused by it. For minutes afterward I didn’t know if I had seen it right or if someone slipped something in my Gatorade. Is unveiling half a set of breasts the best way to keep the children positive? “Hey there Timmy, you know hitting your girlfriend is wrong. Good, since you’ve been so good I let you have a gander at Miss Jackson’s Titties.” (I capitalized titties because they were large and deserved a proper noun).